Friday, 13 December 2013

Encrypt A Folder In Mac

Encrypting Folders in Mac

  1. Firstly, open up Disk Utility.
    Disk Utility
  2. Then, click on File > New > Disk Image From Folder.
    New Image from Folder
  3. Select the folder you want to encrypt, and click Image.
    Select Folder to Image
  4. Choose ‘read/write’ if you want your folder to be edit-able (if not, just choose another format), and choose ’128-bit AES encryption’.
    Choose Image Format and Encryption
  5. Type in any password you desire, and very importantly, make sure the checkbox for ‘Remember password in my keychain’ is NOT ticked, else it will defeat the whole purpose of encrypting your folder.
    Description of Image
And that’s it! A password-protected .dmg file will be created based on the folder you selected.Larger folders may take longer to encrypt. Once that is done, you can delete the original folder.
Encrypted DMG File
To access the encrypted disk image, just double-click the .dmg file to mount it in the Finder and punch in the password whenever you try to access the folder. Always uncheck the box saying "Remember password in my keychain" to make sure it is always protected by passwords.
Access Encrypted DMG File
After a disk image is mounted, you’re able to access the folder like normal. Now, putting any files in the folder will put the file under encrypted protection too.
Access Mounted Disc Image
After you’re done working with the folder and want it to be password protected again, just unmount the folder from Finder.
Unmounted Disc Image

Wednesday, 30 October 2013


What is a Vanity URL?

A vanity URL is a URL or domain name, created to point to something to which it is related and indicated in the name of the URL, very similar to a personalized URL. In many cases this is done by a company to point to a specific product or advertising campaign micro-site  In theory, vanity URLs are creatively linked to something making them easier to remember than a more random link.

I'm giving you the example of my G+ account.
Look at the Red Highlighted area in both Screenshots below.

This Customized shortened URL is called the Vanity URL & provided by Google, here in this particular example. 

Following requirements are needed to get a Vanity URL:-

1. You must have a Profile photo.
2. You must have at least 10 Followers.
3. Your account must be 30 days old or more.
4. Most important thing is that you must have registered your valid Cell Phone number with Google to get this benefit.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Cyber Threats

Cyber threats are those related to being connected to the Internet or other networks. These threats consist of many types, but well-known and common online threats are those which take advantage of email and web services.

However, just connecting your computer to the Internet provides a range of other potential ways your computer can be attacked even when you are not using the web (through your web browser) or reading or accessing email.

Types of Internet threats:


Network worms
Spyware / Adware
Other Malware
Other Threats
Viruses, worms & Trojan horses

A virus is a program that replicates itself, usually by attaching itself to other files and program. A worm is a program that does not infect other programs but makes copies of itself. Trojan horse programs do not replicate nor make copies of themselves, but rely on other “manual” method of distribution. We use the term “Virus” on this page to cover all forms of infections.Virus are spread in a variety of ways.

Some Examples:

  • Email attachments (such as klez, Badtrans, myparty)
  • Instant messages links and attachments (such as Aplore)
  • Compromised web services (such as Nimda)
  • Usenet news groups
  • Internet relay Chart channels
  • USB Storage
  • File downloads (many backdoor Trojans are embedded with other files)
All viruses are different. Some activate on a certain day, but remain dormant until then. Others being the attack as soon as the machine has been infected. Viruses can be very damaging and some are just annoying. More than 1,00,000 known viruses exists in the world today several hundred new Viruses are discovered every month.

[This picture shows the statistics of Online Threats in the world: Updated report until 22nd October'13.]

[This picture shows the statistics of Local infections in the world: Updated report until 22nd October'13.]

Protecting from viruses:

A good way to protect yourself is to have virus protection program and keep it up-to-date. Before running a download from an unknown site, or opening an email attachment, always be sure to scan it to ensure that it is not infected. If you do not know that source of a file does not open it. Even it you know the person who sent you a file, if you were not expecting it you may want to contact them before opening it. This is because many viruses automatically send themselves out to addresses it finds in file on the infect computer.

Anti-Virus program:

An anti-virus program designed to protect your computer from possible viruses infection. Most viruses are designed to operate in the background in a that the user will not notice. Virus protection program search for, detect, and attempt to remove these viruses. Anti-virus program must be kept up to date in order for them to provide adequate protection. New viruses are being created every day and your antivirus program can’t always predict what they will be able to do or how they will work. Due to the nature of the operating system, Linux, and other UNIX kinks operating system are not as susceptible to viruses. Thus an anti-virus program is not necessary.

Network Worm:

  1. Self-replicating Viruses that reside in the active memory of a computer.
  2. Worms send themselves out to the Internet from infected system.
  3. Either include tiny e-mail servers or search for unprotected shared network
Trojan Programs:

Programs that installed themselves stealthy via Internet & provide access for malicious use.
  • Threats enabled by (/through) Trojans
  1. DDos attacks(distributed denial-of-service attack)
  2. Data stealing
  3. Distributed spam emails
  4. Do not replicate

Spyware / Adware:

  1. Cookies-Track you online.
  2. Browser Hijackers-Changes default home page.
  3. Tracking Cookies-Gathers info of web usage.
  4. Trickles-Re-installs spyware when detected.
  5. Keyloggers-Records anything you type.

Other Malware:

  1. Dos & DDos attacks
  2. Flooders
  3. FileCryptors & PoluCryptors
  4. Nukers …Etc.

Other Threats:

  1. Phishing
  2. Confidential information stealing by fraud emails & web sites (author falsified)
  3. Several millions of phishingg messages have been sent world wide
  4. Fastes growing threat today:SPIM
  5. Instant message SPAM
Diagnosing (or) Detecting Infections:

  1. Slow computer, System reboots
  2. Mouse moves by itself
  3. Browser goes to unexpected web sites
  4. Slow internet access
  5. Endless popup ads
  6. New desktop toolbars

  1. Disabled antivirus scanner or firewall
  2. Check startup programs groups regulation for software you didn't install
  3. Add/Remove programs for software’s you didn't install (make a list of install items on a new machine and check the list regularly)
  4. Check running services monthly
  5. Check running processes in task manage
  6. Monitor open ports
  7. Monitor outgoing and incoming connections.
Methods against Threats:
  1. Updating
  2. Antivirus software
  3. Antispyware Tools
  4. Firewall

Know about Top 10  Security Vulnerabilities.

Download the PDF file from my Google Drive with following link.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Free E-book - 55 Ways To Have Fun With Google

There are various tricks & funs which you can do with Google. Get this free e-book from the following link.

Download Here  
[Link closed]

Folder Lock Without Any Software

Folder Lock With Password Without Any Software.

Paste the code given below in notepad and 'Save' it as batch file (with extension '.bat').
Any name will do. 
Then you see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker. 
New folder named 'Locker' would be formed at the same location. 
Now bring all the files you want to hide in the 'Locker' folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'Locker'. 
If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password. 
Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.

N:B--> Password can be dynamic since there ain't any restriction.


if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Saturday, 17 August 2013

20 precious Linux & Unix E-books completely Free.

Here is an awesome Collection of 20 e-books on Linux & Unix. Download them free from my Google-drive & Share these among your Open Source Lover Friends.

Download Here
[Link closed]

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Compiz-Fusion Desktop Effects in Ubuntu

For some, the great desktop effects of Compiz-Fusion (the OpenGL window and compositing manager formerly known as Beryl) were the reason they tried Ubuntu in the first place. Desktop effects are not enabled by default, since they might unsettle older systems, and for many users they are just an unwanted distraction. If you have them running, you've already figured out how to enable them (if not, go to System > Preferences > Appearance, go to the Visual Effects tab, and choose either “Normal” or “Extra“), but you may be wondering how to take control over them.

First off, install compizconfig-settings-manager, as this is what lets you customize basically every aspect of your desktop effects. Not only can you choose what animations you want for certain tasks (like minimize and close window, etc), but you can edit how they work. That means you can speed up or slow down animated effects, as well as change the settings for every animation plug-in. You can disable some parts of Compiz-Fusion that you don’t particularly care for, and enable a whole lot of other features you never even knew existed. CompizConfg Settings Manager will reside in System > Preferences.
Compiz-Fusion ships with a bunch of plugins (compiz-fusion-plugins-main), but you may need to install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra to get more awesome effects, like Burn (it seems Ubuntu now installs that package, but if it isn't marked as installed in Synaptic, then you’ll need to install it).
You can also install compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported – “an extended collection of plugins which have received the least amount of review and are the most likely to be problematic on your system.” As you can see, this is a use at your own risk package, but if the plugins you have aren't enough, you can always give these a try.
To get a system tray icon that gives you easy access to settings, install fusion-icon. To run Compiz Fusion Icon, go to Applications > System Tools. You’ll find this invaluable for restarting Compiz-Fusion if it has crashed, as it has a Reload Window Manager option on the menu.
For adding and changing advanced window border and title-bar themes, you will need to install emerald. You’ll find Emerald Theme Manager in System > Preferences, and the themes it uses have an .emerald extension. Many themes offer semi-transparent glass-like title-barsanimated control buttons, and shadow and glow around the window borders. They can vary wildly, with themes for basically any taste. You are bound to find a few that you find stunning, so do a web search for “emerald themes”, and download some and import them. You will see previews of them once installed, and all you have to do is click on a preview to enable that theme. And any you don’t like, you can delete. What’s more, you can actually edit installed themes, and save them as your own.
This should be all you need to get you going on the path to greater desktop effects. Have a good look around in the settings manager, and try out some of the cool features not enabled by default. And have a play around with changing some of your plug-ins, like turn the flames of Burn purple and yellow, or add heaps more wobble to Magic Lamp and make it last much longer (that actually looks really good on minimize and restore). Then find some Emerald themes to import, and if you find one you love, but don’t like the title-bar font, or want more opacity, you can edit it. You can control basically every aspect of how your windows are decorated, so if you can’t find any themes you like 100%, then make your own!

Harry Potter E-Books 1-7 Free

Harry Potter E-Books(1-7) completely free. Download from my Google drive. Don't forget to Share them among your circle. So hit the share button in G+.

Download link closed.

Now enjoy reading on your Tab/Mobile/PC.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

12 precious Ubuntu E-books completely Free.

Here is an awesome Collection of 12 e-books on Ubuntu Linux. Download them free from my Google-drive & Share these among your Linux Lover Friends.

Download Here
[Link closed]
N:B-> I have got many requests that why i have closed the link & make available the link again.
So guys, if anyone want these e-books, then email me. I'll send you the private link where you can download these again.

Restricting Superuser Access in Ubuntu

In a Linux system it is a vulnerable problem when anyone trying to login as root from a remote terminal. There is an easy way to disable a person to login into system using a remote terminal as root. In other words you can say, the admin can restrict the superuser access(else known as Root access) to general public or any user.

Follow the steps exactly mentioned below.

1. Login to the system

2. Open terminal

3. su – or sudo

4. vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

or open the file sshd_config in the /etc/sshd directory

5. Find line PermitRootLogin yes

change it to PermitRootLogin no

6 . Restart the service

/etc/init.d/sshd restart

Now your Ubuntu server/single user system 
 is secure.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

A Magic By Bikash

Wanna See a Magic Trick? Well, This simple magic will blow your mind. Just follow the instructions:

  • Download the compressed file from my Google Drive
  • Download It Here
  • Extract it & find the MS word file
  • Click it & read the perfect prediction.

Share it among your circles to surprise your friends with this Magic.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Free E-book download for all Google+ users.

Are you new to Google+ ?
Are you a novice in Google social media?
Are you using Google+ for so many days yet unknown of it's complete features?
Do you want to be a successful Google+ user?

All these questions will be answered by this small yet monster 
e-book. This is completely free of cost. Download from my Google Drive with the link provided below.

Google+ For Dummies-Free-Download
[Link Closed]

This e-book is truly portable.  It is a slim volume of 146 pages.  It uses the typical graphic clues and hints that have made all the Dummies guides easy to use.  One important thing to note is that features may not be identical to what is talked about in the e-book. Google+ is being improved and new features are added almost every month.  
This will always be the case for any e-book written about the internet, social networking, and the web. If you are new to Google+, the best way to use this e-book is to start at the beginning and follow through step by step on how to set up your account and profile. 
Chapter 1 covers in clear and easy to understand instruction covering how to set up your profile, circles settings, following others, +1 stuff, and creating your first post.
One of the most powerful features of Google+ is its circles.  It can also be one of the most confusing. Circles are how you organize the people you follow.  
Chapter 2 provides easy to comprehend step by step instructions on using circles and setting up your privacy functions.
Google+ is meant for sharing and Chapter 3, Posting to Google+,” is all about it.  It walks you through what to post, who to post to, sharing, resharing, commenting, moderating your posts, and handling the inevitable troll, someone who constantly criticizes just to criticize, constantly nags, and never gives up.   You will get trolls under the bridge from time to time.
One of the most popular and potentially useful features of Google+ is the Hangout.  Hangout is video chat with potentially more than one person at a time.  Chapter 4 gives you all the instructions you need to be successful in this.  All you will have to provide is the computer with a webcam and, hopefully, witty conversation.
One feature that has great potential but is still underdeveloped is Sparks.  Sparks allows you to create searches of Google that you can use and share with other in Google+.  Chapter 5 covers how to pick your sparks, and how to read and interact with them.
One fun feature of Google+ is games.  Chapter 6 instructs you on how to find games to play, read about what others are doing in their games (the Game Stream), and how to challenge others to games.  you can even play Angry Birds within Google+ Games!
Etiquette on social networks is important.  Chapter 7 provides a good background for the Google+ newbie with guidance for posting and when to comment on the posts of others and more.
Google+ is available as a mobile app for iPhones, iPads, and Android phones and tablets.  The mobile apps have features not available via the web-based version of Google+.  Chapter 8 discusses the apps and how to use them.  You can actually find out who is “Nearby” using Google+ if you have GPS and location services activated on your mobile device.  The mobile apps also have a chat feature called Huddles for group chats.
One feature that many people love is Google+ Photos. Chapter 9 tells you how to view photos taken of you, taken on your phone, and how to upload photos.  It also covers tagging others in photos, privacy settings, and sharing your photos.  You just provide the pictures!
One problem with many social networks is having access to your data for backing it up.  Google+ allows you to do that.  Chapter 10 provides step by step directions for backing it up.  Try doing that with Facebook or Twitter!
You may not be happy with the “look and feel”  of Google+.  If you use Google Chrome, you can use third-party extensions to change or improve how Google+ looks.  Chapter 11 has some suggested extensions.  Some of these are not needed any more because of recent changes in Google+.  I highly recommend you only use extensions for Google+ that come from the Google Chrome Store.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Learn How to post process a single exposure Photo to HDR

HDR Photography involves shooting multiple photos of the same image. But sometimes capturing more than one exposure is impossible. When the subject your photographing is a moving car or a flying bird, there’s no way to photograph more than one shot of the same image.
The three photos below is a result of me shooting from within a moving bus. The camera was hand held and the clowns were riding a moving scooter. Not the ideal situation for shooting HDR!

The photo below is a perfect candidate for creating a HDR photo. Notice the blown out sky and the extremely dark foreground. HDR will bring back colors in the sky and the details in the foreground.
clowns over exposure hdr 490x326 Single Exposure HDR

There are two techniques for creating a
single exposure HDR photograph.

1.Technique One (For them who owns DSLR)

Photomatix will allow you to tone map a single RAW file to create a pseudo HDR image. You can do this simply by opening your RAW file in Photomatix. Once your RAW file is open you will be able to tone map your photo into a HDR image like you would normally.
Personally I don’t use this technique because Photomatix doesn't have any way of separating the light areas from the dark areas. This results in a very flat image with little definition. That’s why I prefer the second technique, which does a much better job of creating a single exposure HDR photograph.

2.Technique Two (For any Digicam or even mobile phone with at least 8Mp)

The second technique is my preferred method. I developed this technique because I was unhappy with the results of the first process. This method allows me to tell Photomatix how to separate the light and dark areas. I do this by manually creating my light and dark exposures from the single photo selected above. These exposures are created in Photoshop using the RAW converter. Below is a step-by-step tutorial to show you how to create your exposures.

Step 1 – Opening RAW in Photoshop

When you open your RAW image in Photoshop you get the Camera RAW window. This window will allow you to adjust your exposure. This is how we will be able to create our digital exposures.

Step 2 – Saving Your First Exposure

The first exposure we will create is our standard exposure. Adjust your settings so that this exposure is evenly lit across your entire image. Click on open image once your done adjusting the exposure. Save that file as a TIF file. You should name it EVEN or anything that will remind you that this file is the evenly exposed photo.

Step 3 – Creating Your Under Exposed Image

The second exposure we will create is our under exposure. Adjust your settings so that this exposure is underexposed by 2 stops. Focus on getting any over exposed areas dark with color and detail. Click on open image once your done adjusting the exposure. Save that file as a TIF file. You should name it UNDER or something that will remind you that this file is the under exposure.

Step 4 – Creating Your Over Exposed Image

The third exposure we will create is our over exposure. Adjust your settings so that this exposure is over exposed by 2 stops. Focus on getting detail in your dark areas, mainly the foreground. Click on open image once your done adjusting the exposure. Save that file as a TIF file. You should name it OVER or something that will remind you that this file is the over exposure.

Step 5 – Merging Your Exposures in Photomatix

Once you are done creating your exposures you can use them to create your HDR image in Photomatix. Proceed like you normally would when creating your HDR photo. You will get a new window were you will need to input EV settings. Set them to 2, 0, -2 if you aren’t sure.

Step 6 – Tone Map, Process, Save and You’re Done

Proceed to tone map your image like you normally would. Once you’re satisfied with your tone mapping, process your HDR image, save it and you’re done. Most likely you’ll need to run your image through Topaz DeNoise cause single exposure HDR is notorious for producing grainy images.
That’s it for this tutorial. I hope this information on single exposure HDR was helpful. Drop me a comment if you have any questions.